Your Body, Your Potential

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What we offer?

We offer both Telehealth Physical Therapy as well as Customized Home Exercise Programs crafted by Doctors of Physical Therapy. 

In our traditional healthcare system you would need to get a referral, go through your insurance (deductibles, copays, reimbursement), and then attend multiple in-person sessions of PT. 

We got tired of our patients having to jump through hoops to see us which is why we’ve created a convenient and affordable Physical Therapy option.


Who can benefit?

You don’t need to be in pain or have a current injury to benefit from our services. A lot of our clients use our services as a way to work on body region(s) that they recognize could benefit from targeted exercises. 

For example, you love to run, but you’ve noticed that your knees hurt or feel weak. After working at your desk all day, your upper back aches. Maybe you’ve had a previous shoulder dislocation and want it to be more stable. 

PT Prehab customizes exercises to meet your activity level, injury history, and goals. 

physical therapy exercise at home


We strongly believe that movement is healing. 

When seeking knowledge on the body, exercise, and healing we are often met with many barriers (insurance, appointments, referrals, etc). We become buried in more paperwork and traveling/booking appointments than receiving care. 

After taking away these barriers, what is left is you, the practitioner, and the pathway to your goals and healing (as we believe it should be).